How to Clean Your Epoxy Floors Like a Pro

Nick Shushan
By Nick Shusan , Epoxy Expert and the CEO of NYC Epoxy Flooring.

May 7, 2023

Epoxy floors are a popular choice for many homeowners and businesses due to their durability, resistance to chemicals, and seamless appearance. However, with time and use, even the most durable epoxy floors can become dirty and lose their shine. In this article, I will share my knowledge on how to clean epoxy floor like a pro. We will go through a step-by-step guide, discuss the best epoxy floor cleaners, and learn why proper maintenance is important. Additionally, we will address common cleaning mistakes, how to handle stains and damages, and when to consider re-coating or seeking professional help. In addition, I highly recommend that you will check our old article about “how to clean epoxy resin“, it might be useful as well.

Step-by-Step Guide on How to Clean Epoxy Floor

1. Clear the area

Before starting the cleaning process, make sure to remove any furniture, equipment, or other items from the area. This will allow you to have full access to the entire floor and ensure a thorough cleaning.

2. Sweep or vacuum the floor

Using a soft-bristle broom or vacuum cleaner, remove any dust, dirt, and debris from the floor. This will make the cleaning process easier and more effective. If you notice any stubborn debris, you can use a soft brush to gently dislodge it.

3. Mix the cleaning solution

Depending on the type of epoxy floor cleaner you have chosen (more on that later), mix the solution according to the manufacturer’s instructions. In most cases, a mixture of warm water and mild detergent will be sufficient.

4. Apply the cleaning solution

Using a mop or microfiber cloth, apply the cleaning solution to the epoxy floor. Make sure to cover the entire surface evenly and avoid using excessive amounts of water, as this can cause damage to the epoxy.

5. Scrub the floor

For stubborn stains or dirt, use a soft-bristle brush or scrubbing pad to gently agitate the surface. Make sure to apply light pressure, as excessive force can cause scratches or damage the epoxy.

6. Rinse the floor

Using a clean mop or cloth, rinse the floor with clean water. Make sure to remove all traces of the cleaning solution to prevent residue build-up.

7. Dry the floor

Use a squeegee or dry mop to remove any excess water from the floor. Allow the epoxy floor to air dry completely before replacing any furniture or equipment.

Epoxy Floor Cleaners

There are several types of epoxy floor cleaners available on the market, and choosing the right one for your needs is essential for effective cleaning. Here are some of the most popular options:

1. Mild detergent

For light cleaning tasks, a simple mixture of warm water and a mild detergent is often sufficient. Make sure to choose a detergent that is specifically designed for epoxy floors or one that is pH-neutral to avoid damaging the surface.

2. Ammonia-based cleaner

Ammonia is a powerful cleaning agent that can effectively remove grease and oil stains from epoxy floors. Mix one part ammonia with three parts water for an effective cleaning solution. However, be cautious when using ammonia, as it can emit strong fumes and may cause irritation to the eyes and respiratory system.

3. Commercial epoxy floor cleaner

For heavy-duty cleaning tasks, a specially formulated epoxy floor cleaner is recommended. These cleaners are designed to remove tough stains and dirt without damaging the epoxy surface. Make sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for proper use.

4. Degreaser

If you are dealing with grease or oil stains, a degreaser may be necessary. Choose a degreaser that is specifically designed for use on epoxy floors and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for best results.

Why Proper Epoxy Floor Maintenance is Important

Proper maintenance of your epoxy floor is essential for several reasons:

  1. Preserving the appearance: Regular cleaning helps to maintain the glossy, seamless appearance of your epoxy floor. Dirt, grime, and stains can dull the surface, making it appear aged and worn.
  2. Extending the lifespan: Epoxy floors are known for their durability, but proper maintenance can further extend their lifespan. Regular cleaning helps to prevent damage caused by debris or chemicals, ensuring that your floor remains in excellent condition for years to come.
  3. Safety: A clean epoxy floor is a safe epoxy floor. Dirt, grease, or debris can create slippery conditions, increasing the risk of accidents or injuries.
  4. Hygiene: In environments where cleanliness is critical, such as commercial kitchens or medical facilities, regular epoxy floor cleaning is essential for maintaining a hygienic environment.

Common Epoxy Floor Cleaning Mistakes to Avoid

To protect your epoxy floor and ensure effective cleaning, avoid these common mistakes:

  1. Using harsh chemicals: Strong acids or alkaline cleaners can damage the epoxy surface, causing it to become dull or discolored. Stick to mild detergents or specially formulated epoxy floor cleaners.
  2. Excessive water usage: Epoxy floors are water-resistant, but using too much water during cleaning can cause damage. Excess water can seep into the edges or seams of the floor, weakening the epoxy bond.
  3. Abrasive tools: Avoid using abrasive brushes, pads, or other cleaning tools that can scratch or damage the epoxy surface. Instead, opt for soft-bristle brushes, microfiber cloths, or non-abrasive scrubbing pads.
  4. Ignoring stains and spills: Promptly addressing spills and stains can prevent them from becoming permanent or causing damage to the epoxy. Make sure to clean up any spills as soon as possible and treat stains with the appropriate cleaning solution.

How to Address Stains and Damages on Epoxy Floors

Despite your best efforts, accidents can happen, and your epoxy floor may become stained or damaged. Here’s how to address common issues:

  1. Oil or grease stains: Use a degreaser specifically designed for epoxy floors to remove oil or grease stains. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions and make sure to rinse the area thoroughly after treatment.
  2. Chemical spills: If a chemical spill occurs, neutralize the spill with an appropriate absorbent material (such as kitty litter or sawdust) and then clean the area with a mild detergent and water. Be sure to wear protective gear, such as gloves and goggles, when handling chemicals.
  3. Scratches or chips: Minor scratches or chips can be repaired using an epoxy repair kit, available at most home improvement stores. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for proper application and curing times.
  4. Discoloration: If your epoxy floor has become discolored due to UV exposure or chemical damage, consider re-coating the surface with a fresh layer of epoxy. This can restore the floor’s original appearance and provide additional protection against future damage.

When to Consider Re-Coating or Professional Epoxy Floor Cleaning

In some cases, your epoxy floor may require more than just regular cleaning to maintain its appearance and functionality. If you notice any of the following signs, it may be time to consider re-coating or seeking professional epoxy floor cleaning services:

  1. Persistent stains or discoloration: If stains or discoloration persist despite your best cleaning efforts, a professional cleaning service or re-coating may be necessary.
  2. Surface damage: If your epoxy floor has extensive scratches, chips, or other signs of damage, a professional repair or re-coating may be required to restore its appearance and functionality.
  3. Wear and tear: Over time, even the most durable epoxy floors can show signs of wear and tear, such as reduced gloss or increased porosity. In these cases, a professional cleaning or re-coating can help to rejuvenate the floor and extend its lifespan.
  4. Safety concerns: If your epoxy floor has become slippery or otherwise unsafe, a professional cleaning or re-coating can help to restore its slip-resistant properties.

With proper care and maintenance, your epoxy floor can maintain its appearance and functionality for many years. By following the steps outlined in this article and avoiding common cleaning mistakes, you can keep your epoxy floor looking like new. Remember to address stains and damage promptly, and consider re-coating or professional cleaning services when necessary. By doing so, you’ll ensure that your epoxy floor remains a valuable and attractive feature of your home or business.