The Ultimate Guide: Pouring Epoxy Over Granite Countertops

Nick Shushan
By Nick Shusan , Epoxy Expert and the CEO of NYC Epoxy Flooring.

December 30, 2022

epoxy over granite countertops

Using epoxy over granite countertops has become popular among people looking for an ideal way to create a style in their rooms. These epoxy countertops look great on your cabinet, wooden floor, and other surfaces when used properly, they can be an excellent way to make your kitchen, bathroom and other areas in your house look unique.

However, sometimes it comes with certain drawbacks. Letā€™s take a look at how these epoxy over granite countertops are made, the pros and cons, and other important information you need to know.

The Ultimate Guide: Pouring Epoxy Over Granite Countertop


What is Epoxy over granite countertops?

Epoxy is an excellent refinishing product that is used on most surfaces. When you apply this epoxy over granite countertops, it helps restore all rust and out-of-store home interiors. Itā€™s impossible to buy ready-made epoxy over granite countertops, they need to be made. This is a nice product that is highly durable and takes a long time before the surface dims. Asides from granite, you could apply epoxy, over metal, ceramic, wood, concrete, and Formica.

The Ultimate Guide: Pouring Epoxy Over Granite Countertop


How to make epoxy over granite countertops?

To make epoxy over countertops, you need to mix the resin with a hardener. These are elements that come in liquid form, but when mixed, they become strong. When installed properly, they provide a glossy finish and are very clear. While you can install it yourself, you should hire a professional to make your work look neat.

Pros of epoxy over granite countertops

There are several reasons having epoxy over granite countertops is your best choice. Here are some advantages :


When you have epoxy over granite countertops, you are assured of its quality. Unlike other coatings and epoxy material, reapplying epoxy on granite countertops isnā€™t needed. With this type of countertop, you rarely see cracks.

The Ultimate Guide: Pouring Epoxy Over Granite Countertop


Top gloss finish

If you want a glossy finish in your kitchen, bathroom, or other house areas, use epoxy over granite countertops. While it wears off after some time, if you apply mineral oils, you will maintain its high gloss look.

The Ultimate Guide: Pouring Epoxy Over Granite Countertop


Heat resistant

With epoxy over granite countertops, you can put a hot material on the surface without an immediate reaction. However, this should not be done repeatedly, because while it is heat resistant, regular heat wears off heatproof. If you have hot pots or dishes, itā€™s better to get trivets, to help prevent any heat.

The Ultimate Guide: Pouring Epoxy Over Granite Countertop



These epoxy over granite countertops are known to be food safe and not toxic. The materials should make these surfaces have Volatile organic compounds which make them safe.

Easy maintenance

All epoxy over granite countertops can be cleaned using any cleaning material. The surface twists mold and bacteria growth and no cleaning material can damage the surface

You could use clean water, piracy cleaner, or other natural cleaning solutions.

The Ultimate Guide: Pouring Epoxy Over Granite Countertop


Cons of epoxy over granite countertops

Despite the numerous pros of these countertops, here are some drawbacks :

Messy application

A major challenge with these countertops is that installing them can be difficult. While it is beautiful when installed, itā€™s hard to apply for newbies. It can be complicated if you arenā€™t versed in countertops installations, you should therefore get a professional.

The Ultimate Guide: Pouring Epoxy Over Granite Countertop



Asides from the challenges that come with installation, itā€™s labor intensive and takes time. Before you sand the granite countertops, remove stains and install them, you will need hours. It isnā€™t something you can do in a hurry if you want to get a good job.

Prone to stains

While these epoxy over granite countertops are durable, they stain easily. Immediately foods or drinks spill over you need to clean them or it becomes permanent.


Can epoxy over granite countertops be repaired?

Yes, granite countertops can be repaired when there are any problems with the surface. You can use epoxy to repair cracks, chips and other defacements that might occur. Although repairing these granite countertops takes time, it is cost-effective in the long run.

The Ultimate Guide: Pouring Epoxy Over Granite Countertop


How do you apply epoxy over granite countertops?

To apply epoxy over granite countertops you need to follow some processes. The first thing is to clean the surface and remove all dirt. After this, you will need to apply the primer, and mix up the resin before painting it. After this has been done, you need to leave it for 12-14 hours before use.

What epoxy can be used to repair granite countertops?

Before choosing an epoxy to repair granite countertops, you need to be concerned about the stone involved. You will need to contact a professional before buying epoxy. You will also have to check the damage sustained by the granite. If you want a quick fix to repair your granite countertops, you could consider GL 80 epoxy.

The Ultimate Guide: Pouring Epoxy Over Granite Countertop


What should I consider before buying epoxy over granite countertops?

There are several considerations before buying the right epoxy for granite countertops. Your budget will play a huge factor, you will also consider where you want it installed. Is it your kitchen, bathroom, toilet, or other public areas? Talk to a professional before getting those granite countertops.

The Ultimate Guide: Pouring Epoxy Over Granite Countertop



Epoxy remains an amazing product used for granite countertops. Epoxy over granite countertops is amazing and stunning for people who want their homes to look appealing. There are many reasons to consider using epoxy over granite countertops, and they have been treated above. While it comes with some problems, when you contact a professional, you will get the best results.