Epoxy Stone Coat Review

Nick Shushan
By Nick Shusan , Epoxy Expert and the CEO of NYC Epoxy Flooring.

December 27, 2022

The epoxy stone coat is widely used as a floor covering in homes and businesses. It has a tough and appealing coating that looks like natural stone. The article below examines the epoxy stone coat in detail, discussing its advantages and disadvantages and some things to consider before making a final decision. If you’re thinking about putting an epoxy stone coat on your house or business walls, this post will give you some great advice and information. It should be noted that research conducted online was used to compile this information.


  • You can apply the epoxy with a roller, but you can also apply it with a brush, which is probably easier for some people. You have both options available to you.
  • It is available in various colors, and you can pick the one that best complements the countertop or the furniture in your kitchen. In addition, the color has a very natural appearance, giving the impression that it is made of stone rather than fake stone (which is good).
  • A high-performance coating protects against various kinds of damage, including scratches and dirt.


The following is a list of potential disadvantages associated with the use of epoxy stone coatings:

  • Although it does not last as long as you believe it will, this is to be expected with any paint or stain.
  • The importance of thoroughly preparing the surface because even in the wrong room temp, the epoxy might not stick thoroughly to the surface you intended it.
  • Incorrect application of the coating may result in the formation of bubbles and other imperfections.
  • After some time, the coating might become discolored or yellow.
  • After the epoxy has been applied, the surface of your countertop is susceptible to being stained irreversibly by any oil spills.


Epoxy Stone Coat Review || Epoxy Stone Coat Review Pros and Cons